"Siam River Adventures - Paddling Northern Thailand's Whitewater Since 2000"


Press Releases
By Colin Hinshelwood 2006 – In His infinite wisdom the Creator built the world in six days. Then on the seventh day – contrary to some accounts – He kicked back with Mother Nature. She cajoled Him and whispered in His almighty ear, beseeching the Creator to give Her a little something extra; perhaps something melodious...
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By Oliver Benjamin 2005 – Oliver Benjamin decides to risk his life to experience Northern Thailand’s foamy and furious waters up close and personal. About 90 minutes from Chiang Mai is a little river called the Mae Taeng. Bordered on both sides by steeply sloping fields of banana trees and luxuriant jungle, it is easily one of...
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2005 – Lavish rains have made the northern rivers perfect for shooting the rapids  After heavy rains in northern Thailand, conditions for whitewater rafting are now probably the best in decades. Swollen rivers run wild through the forests, sending showers of spray as they crash against the rocks, and devil-may-care rafters bob and weave through the rough...
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By Karen Emmons 2005 – Having a wild night in Thailand is rather easy to do, at least in Bangkok. Having a wild day, and having it with children even, takes a little more planning. But it is gloriously possible. Certainly for early risers, it can be easy to pull together for a one-day trip out of Bangkok. Booking a...
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2005 – About 90 minutes from Chiang Mai is a little river called the Mae Taeng. Bordered on both sides by steeply sloping fields of banana trees and luxuriant jungle, it is easily one of the loveliest places in Thailand for an adventure. But lazily watching a river go by is quite a different experience from actually being...
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By Mike Atkins 2003 – Many an Australian will claim whingeing to be the preserve of the English. I think that generalization needs a little work: whingeing is the preserve of the English AND expats in general. Sit around chatting in any coffee shop or bar in Chiang Mai, and conversation is bound to come around...
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